City of Stirling Budget Newsletter
1. This is your payment reference.You should quote this number when you contact the City about your account or when you make a payment. 2. This is the individual number allocated to the property that this notice is related to. 3. This is the street address of the property that this notice is related to. 4. The Valuer General’s Office (VGO) estimates how much you could expect to receive if you were to rent out your property. This is known as the Gross Rental Value or GRV. If you object to this value please phone the VGO on (08) 9273 7373. 5. The period this notice covers. 6. This is the date the bill was produced. 7. The amount you have to pay and the due date if you choose to pay your rates in full. 8. The amount you have to pay and the due dates if you choose to pay your rates in two instalments. 9. The amount you have to pay and the due dates if you choose to pay your rates in four instalments. 10. The amount you have to pay and the due dates if you choose to pay your rates by Rates Smoothing. 11. This is the State Government Emergency Services Levy. This forms part of your total rates bill but it is not set or controlled by the City of Stirling. Please see the separate brochure produced by the State Government for more information about this charge. 12. As part of the City’s Economic Stimulus and Community Recovery Package, the City will apply a COVID-19 concession to reduce the rates for any property where the improved rates were more in 2020/21 than in 2019/20. This applies to City charges only and does not include the Emergency Services Levy. 13. Depending on your property, you may be charged for the weekly collection of your recycling/rubbish bin, a pool inspection fee, a security charge, and residential and other rates. 14. States whether your property is subject to a pensioner/ senior discount. 15. Your tip passes and a free swim pass to either Stirling Leisure Centres – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Inglewood, Leisurepark Balga or Scarborough Beach Pool.
Your rates explained
0 0 0 0 0000 00
9 SAM Street SAMPLE WA 9999 Lot 99 D 99999 Vol 1280 Fol 190 Area: 716.000000 m2
01/07/2020 - 30/06/2021
999 00001
Sam Sample 9 Sample Street SAMPLE WA 9999
26 August 2020
5 6 7 8
12 11 13
EmergencyServicesLevy 1Residential ImprovedPropertyCOVID-19 Concession
Option 1
Option 2 Instalment1 Instalment2
$1,211.95 $1,212.00
26/08/2020 11/11/2020
32760@ 5.6122c/$
Total$2,423.95 (costofoption$0.00)
1@ 30.00
ServiceCharge -Security
Option 3 Instalment1 Instalment2 Instalment3 Instalment4
$605.95 $606.00 $606.00 $606.00
26/08/2020 11/11/2020 13/01/2021 17/03/2021
This is yourPensioner/SeniorsDiscount Total
Total$2,423.95 (costofoption$0.00)
Toqualify for instalments, the ExactAmount shownas Instalment1on yourRateNoticemustbe received in onepaymentby26August2020.
Total$2,423.95 (CostofOption:$0.00) Fortnightly 26/08/2020 Total$2,423.95 (CostofOption:$0.00) Monthly 26/08/2020 Total$2,423.95 (CostofOption:$0.00)
0 0 0 0 0000 00
J4b9W:keTpGKpfIvcIVcq1KpfIvcIVcqVKpfIvb86rv *26950000000000000000000000
New ways to pay your rates Make paying your rates an easier process with the City’s new direct debit and Rates Smoothing direct debit options. The online direct debit option enables you to pay your rates in full, by two instalments or by four instalments. With direct debits you won’t have to remember to pay your rates before the due date. Rates Smoothing provides ratepayers with the option to spread payment of their 2020/21 rates notice over a longer period by setting up a series of direct debits. Instalments can be paid weekly,
fortnightly or monthly across the 42- week period from 26 August 2020 to 30 June 2021. A breakdown of the Rates Smoothing payment options are included on this year’s rates notice. The City has introduced these new payment methods as part of its Economic Stimulus and Community Recovery Package. Along with implementing a rate freeze for 2020/21 and new flexible payment options, the stimulus package has removed interest, instalment and arrangement fees on rate payments.
For more information, visit If you are having difficulty paying your 2020/21 rates notice, please contact the Rates team on (08) 9205 8555. Still receiving your rates notice through the post? Want to go paperless? To receive next year’s rates notice via email, visit and register.
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