City of Stirling Budget Newsletter
Budget Newsletter 2021 - 2022
Budget Newsletter Mayor’s message
Longneck Turtles (Yaakin) are found throughout Mooro Country in our wetlands and swamps. Artwork by Norlap Creative in partnership with Teresa Miller (Beelya Yorg).
The increase in the average rate of 3.75 per cent in our 2022/23 budget is one of the lowest across metropolitan local governments, and follows a 0.9 per cent increase over the past two financial years. The City’s responsible budget seeks to rebuild the reserves used to support our community during COVID-19, while still supporting the delivery of key services and projects experiencing homelessness, public art projects, a safer communities CCTV initiative and a community infrastructure plan for the Stirling City Centre. Grants will be provided to support business innovation, and sponsorship for major events to attract visitors and create activity in our local centres. In 2022/23, we look forward to seeing progress on several major projects, including the $3.7 million redevelopment of the Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre outdoor pool area, the renewal of the North Beach Soccer Club, and the design and construction of a new facility for the Carine Cats Ball Club. that will benefit the community. Our budget will support people
Major drainage works for Weaponess Road will be a priority following severe storm and flood damage in 2021, and $600,000 will fund additional solar panel installations as part of the City’s Solar Escalation Program to bring investments in line with achieving our 2030 renewable energy targets. We will also continue to be agile and innovative in our response to our community’s current and emerging needs – including seniors, youth, new migrants, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, multicultural communities and our local clubs, organisations and businesses – to connect them with services that build a resilient, diverse and inclusive community. The City will use the rates collected to enable the community’s vision in Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032, to transform our local places and keep Stirling the City of Choice.
With approximately 223,000 residents, the City of Stirling is the largest local government in Western Australia by population. With our community’s best interests in mind, we strive to meet the changing needs of our residents into the future. F ollowing a major review of our new Strategic Community Plan, the City has recently adopted ‘Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032’ which has been informed by our community and outlines an ambitious and achievable vision to be ‘a sustainable City with a local focus.’ We have made a significant effort this year to identify ways to keep the increase to ratepayers as low as possible, but an increase was unavoidable for the City to maintain current service levels.
Mark Irwin | City of Stirling Mayor
Open your camera app and scan the QR code to find out more about
how your rates will be used to improve our community.
Gross Rental Value (GRV) update
Rates notice explainer 1. This is your payment reference.You should quote this number when you
rates bill but it is not set or controlled by the City. Please see the separate brochure produced by the State Government. 11. States whether your property is subject to a pensioner/ senior discount. 12. The amount you have to pay and the start dates if you choose to pay your rates in two instalments. 13. The amount you have to pay and the start dates if you choose to pay your rates in four instalments. 14. The amount you have to pay and the start dates if you choose to pay your rates in weekly instalments by the City’s direct debit option (rates smoothing). 15. The amount you have to pay and the start dates if you choose to pay your rates in fortnightly instalments by the City’s direct debit option (rates smoothing). 16. The amount you have to pay and the start dates if you choose to pay your rates in monthly instalments by the City’s direct debit option (rates smoothing). 17. Your waste passes and a free swim pass to either Stirling Leisure Centres – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre
contact the City about your account or when you make a payment. 2. This is the date the bill is due. 3. This is the date the bill was produced. 4. This is the street address of the property that this notice is related to. 5. The amount you have to pay and the due date if you choose to pay your rates in full. 6. This is the period the notice covers. 7. This is the individual number allocated to the property that this notice is related to. 8. The Valuer General’s Office (VGO) estimates how much you could expect to receive if you were to rent out your property. This is known as the Gross Rental Value or GRV. If you object to this value, please phone the VGO on (08) 9273 7373. 9. Depending on your property, you may be charged for the weekly collection of your recycling/rubbish bin, a pool inspection fee, a security charge, and residential and other rates. 10. This is the State Government Emergency Services Levy. This forms part of your total
Your annual rates are calculated using a Gross Rental Value (GRV) for your property, which is calculated by the Valuer General’s Office.The GRV estimates how much you could expect to receive if you were to rent out your property, and it also allows for outgoings such as rates and other property expenses. The Valuer General (Landgate) provides updated GRV figures to the City every three years. The Council then sets a ‘rate in the dollar’ figure to calculate your annual rates as a percentage of the assessed value depending on whether the property is residential, commercial, industrial or vacant. In 2022/23, the rate in the dollar will increase by 3.75 per cent. For our 96,000 residential ratepayers, the average rate will be $1,202.88, which is an increase of $42.28 on the average amount paid in 2021/22. Property owners have the right to appeal their assessed property value with the Valuer General’s Office within 60 days of the issue of this rates notice. For any questions about your GRV, please phone Landgate on (08) 9273 7373 or visit the Landgate website, The table below shows differential and minimum rates for 2022/23. Rate in the $ amount Residential $0.059659 Commercial $0.054898 Industrial $0.060546 Vacant $0.082347 General Minimum Rate $893 Parkland Villas (under 36m 2 ) $742 Strata Titled Storage Units $579 Additional information on vacant rates: A higher rate in the dollar for vacant land was introduced in 2020/21 to encourage owners to develop their land to help create vibrant communities and support the local economy. The 2022/23 Budget includes a concession scheme to provide more support to owners while they are undertaking development. A concession was granted on 1 July 2022 to owners of land that has been classified as vacant for less than two years at that date. The concession will have the effect of reducing the rate in the dollar charged from the vacant rate to the relevant differential rate (residential, industrial or commercial). of your property; i.e. GRV x rate in the dollar. The City charges a different rate in the dollar
Inglewood, Leisurepark Balga or Scarborough Beach Pool.
Ways to pay your rates Make paying your rates an easier process with the City’s direct debit (rates smoothing) options. Direct debit via rates smoothing is a convenient way to pay and manage your rates bill by smoothing your rates across smaller, more manageable payments. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly from 26 August 2022 to 9 June 2023, with no additional fees incurred when electing to pay by rates smoothing. With direct debits, you won’t have to remember to pay your rates before the due date. A breakdown of the rates smoothing payment options is included on this year’s rates notice. The City also offers an online direct debit option that enables you to pay your rates in full, in two instalments, four instalments or by a special payment arrangement suitable for your circumstances. For more information, visit
Rates Notice 25 Cedric Street, Stirling, WA 6021 Telephone payment line 1300 661 144 | Rates enquiries (08) 9205 8555
1 5 2
Due Payment reference No. 1015563140 1015563140 1015563140
21/07/2021 21/07/2021
27/08/2021 27/08/2021 $1,893.40 $1,893.40
Date issued
Date due
27 Mundford Street NORTH BEACH WA 6020 27 Mundford Street NORTH BEACH WA 6020
Property address
Full amount due
01/07/2021 - 30/06/2022 01/07/2021 - 30/06/2022
Rating year
6 7 8
1301011110212210001000312030131212313 Raymond Ralph Condelli C/- Link 2 Realty 6/130-132 Coolibah Drive GREENWOOD WA 6024 1301011110212210001000312030131212313 Raymond Ralph Condelli C/- Link 2 Realty 6/130-132 Coolibah Drive GREEN OOD A 6024 First name Last name Postal address SUBURB WA POSTCODE
050 00554 050 00554
155631 155631
Property No.
20800 20800
Valuation - GRV
Lot 488 DP 210659 Vol 1665 Fol 25 Area: 728.000000 m2 Lot 488 DP 210659 Vol 1665 Fol 25 Area: 728.000000 m2
Legal Description:
Rates and charges due (GST is not included in these charges) Item
Amount due
Emergency Services | Levy Cat 1 Residential Emergency Services | Levy Cat 1 Residential Standard Waste Service Emergency Service \ Levy Cat 1 Residential Improved Residential Rates Improved Residential Rates Improved Residential Rates Security Service Charge Service Charge - Security Service Charge - Security Standard Waste Service Standard Waste Service
20540 @ $1.16213 20540 @ $5.9659 20540 @ $1.16213 20540 @ $5.9659 1@ $355.00 20540 @ $1.16213 20540 @ $5.9659 1 @ 1@ $35.00 1 @ 1@ $35.00
$322.34 $322.34 $355.00 $330.01 $1,225.39 $1,196.06 $1,196.06 $30.00 $30.00 $3 5 5.00 $3 5 5.00 $35. 0
1@ $355.00 1@ $355.00 1 $35.00
Sub T otal Sub T otal S b Total
$1,893.40 $1,893.40 $1,945.40
Rebate Rebate State Government Rebate
1@ $355.00 1@ $355.00
$3 5 5.00 $3 5 5.00 $1,657.94
Weekly Weekly ly 42 Payments Total $1,893.40 (Cost of Option: $0.00) 42 Payments Total $1,893.40 (Cost of Option: $0.00) Payment options Flexible payment options by direct debit (rates smoothing) or BPay Option Start date 42 pay ents Total $1,657.94 (cost of option $0.00) Option Start date 21 Payments Total $1,893.40 (Cost of Option: $0.00) 21 Payments Total $1,893.40 (Cost of Option: $0.00) 21 pay ents Total $1,657.94 (cost of option $0.00) Option Start date 10 Payments Total $1,893.40 (Cost of Option: $0.00) 10 Payments Total $1,893.40 (Cost of Option: $0.00) p t Total $1,657.9 (cost of option $0.0 ) 27/08/2021 27/08/2021 6/08/202 Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly 27/08/2021 27/08/2021 26/08/2022 Monthly Monthly Monthly 27/08/2021 27/08/2021 26/08/2022
1015563140 1015563140 Payment reference No. 1015563140 Instalment options Option 1 Start date
$947.34 $948.00 $947.34 $948.00 Amount $828.97 828.97 Amount $414.48 $414.48 $473.69 $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 $473.69 $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 14.48 $ 14.48
14 15 16
$45.08 $45.08 Amount $39.47
Instalment 1 Instalment 2 Instalment 1 Instalment 2 Instalment 1 Instalment 2
27/08/2021 12/11/2021 27/08/2021 12/11/2021 26/08/2022 11/11/2022
Total $1,895.34 (cost of option $1.94) Total $1,895.34 (cost of option $1.94) Total $1,657.94 (cost of option) Option 2
Make the switch to direct debit (rates smoothing) 0 per cent interest. Sign up for direct debit at
$90.16 $90.16 Amount $78.94
Start date
Instalment 1 Instalment 2 Instalment 3 Instalment 4 Instalment 1 Instalment 2 Instalment 3 Instalment 4 Instalment 1 nstalment 2 talment 3 lment 4
27/08/2021 12/11/2021 14/01/2022 18/03/2022 27/08/2021 12/11/2021 14/01/2022 18/03/2022 26/08/2022 11/11/2022 13/01/2023 7/03/2023
$189.34 $189.34 Amount $165.79
S000554Q01 000562 #80250 S000554Q01 0 0562 #80250
Total $1,898.69 (cost of option $5.29) Total $1,898.69 (cost of option $5.29) Total $1,657.94 (cost of option)
Payment Methods Direct debit
If paying by post, detach this portion and return it with your payment. Do not include your waste passes or swim pass.
Use Centrepay to make regular deductions from your Centrelink Payment. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers. The City can set up your deductions for you and you can start, change or stop using Centrepay whenever you like. Contact our Rates Team on (08) 9205 8555 for more information.
Access the City’s website ( from bank accounts only). Can only be set up through the City of Stirling.
Payment can be made by presenting this rate notice intact at any Australia Post Office. Please note that Australia Post will not accept credit card payments. Cash, cheque or debit card only.
Use the City’s Telephone Payment Line 1300 661 144 to make a credit card payment (Visa and MasterCard only).
In person
BPAY No. 5231
J4b9W:keTpGN:YivcIVcpfIvjqC2IfcqVIbXmRRS6rv *2695 06280000000010155631 40 J4b9W:keTpGN:YivcIVcpfIvjqC2IfcqVIbXmRRS6rv *2695 06280000000010155631 40
Call your financial institution or visit their website to make a payment from your nominated bank account. Biller Code: 5231 Payment Reference Number:
Payment can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card (Visa or MasterCard only). Complete the remittance slip on the back of this notice and pay at: City of Stirling Administration Centre 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. All Stirling Libraries (EFTPOS payments only) 9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.Visit for locations.
By post
Access the City’s website Acceptable cards: MasterCard or Visa. Credit card transaction limit of $100,000. 1015563140 1015563140
To pay by post, complete the ‘Payment by post or in person’ remittance slip on the back of this rate notice and post with your cheque to: PO Box 1533 Osborne Park,WA 6916 Cheques made payable to the City of Stirling.
Cut off the section below to retain your waste and swim passes
Telephone payment line 1300 661 144 | Rates enquiries (08) 9205 8555
See over for details Balga Cnr Princess and Camberwell Roads Balga.
Mattress pass Valid 2022-23. Expires 31 July 2023 Visit for further information
Fridge pass Valid 2022-23. Expires 31 July 2023 Visit for further information
Visit for further information
waste pass Valid 2022-23. Expires 31 July 2023
Visit for further information
and concrete pass Valid 2022-23. Expires 31 July 2023
Visit for further information
pass Valid 2022-23. Expires 31 July 2023
Household mixed
Clean sand, bricks, roof tiles
Clean green waste
Free swim pass
62 Alexander Drive Inglewood.
Switch to paperless billing and keep our City liveable and sustainable. Get your bills delivered directly to your inbox. Sign up for eRates at
171 The Esplanade Scarborough.
Where your rates will be spent in 2022/23
The City's 2022/23 Revenue Budget
3% 16%
Security service charge
Administration, Governance and Council Support $12.1m
Community Safety $8.9m
Development Services $9.9m
Parks and Sustainability $48.4m
Customer Service $9.0m
Recreation and Leisure $23.1m
Grants, subsidies and contributions
(operating and non-operating) Profit on asset disposals
Fees, charges and other revenue
Total $306m
Total $307.4 m
Waste service charges
Infrastructure Design and Engineering $73.5m
Business Systems and Support $23.3m
Community Services and Libraries $26m
Planning and City Future $5.7m
Facilities, Projects and Assets $19.9m
Waste and Fleet $46.2m
Interest earnings
2% 15%
Your Mayor and Councillors’ contact details
Watermans Bay
Balga Ward
Hamersley Ward
North Beach
Mayor – Mark Irwin (08) 9205 8502
Coastal Ward
Osborne Ward
Inglewood Ward
Doubleview Ward
Deputy Mayor – Councillor Stephanie Proud JP 0411 070 793 Councillor – Elizabeth Re 0419 913 988
Doubleview Ward
Tuart Hill
Lawley Ward
Osborne Park
Wembley Downs
Mount Lawley
Balga Ward
Inglewood Ward
Councillor – Bianca Sandri 0439 185 175
Councillor – Andrea Creado 0413 495 314
Councillor – Keith Sargent 0402 202 149
Councillor – David Lagan 0408 068 597
Coastal Ward
Lawley Ward
Councillor – Felicity Farrelly 0407 170 090
Councillor – Joe Ferrante 0418 891 274
Councillor – Suzanne Migdale 0417 137 362
Councillor – Tony Krsticevic 0419 220 062
Hamersley Ward
Osborne Ward
Councillor – Chris Hatton 0439 752 279
Councillor – Lisa Thornton 0490 237 604
Councillor – Karlo Perkov 0447 904 714
Councillor – Teresa Olow 0402 232 210
Administration Centre 25 Cedric Street Stirling WA 6021 Telephone (08) 9205 8555 | Enquiries
Web |
This information is available in alternative formats on request. Please contact the Customer Contact Centre on (08) 9205 8555.
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