City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

The City’s Strategic Community Plan describes five key result areas that the City aims to achieve. The provision of buildings falls under the liveable neighbourhoods key result area. Asset management is under both the liveable neighbourhoods and governance and leadership key result areas. A summary of the liveable neighbourhoods and governance and leadership key result area relevant to this BAMP is summarised in the following Table 3.2.

Objective What the City aims to achieve B3.1 Ensure our assets meet future community needs

Strategy How will we get there?

Measures How will you know our progress? City performance against statutory asset management related measures Satisfaction with the City’s community buildings, halls and toilets

Key result area Liveable neighbourhoods Outcome B3: Built infrastructure that meets community needs Governance and leadership Outcome G4: Capable and efficient organisation

G3.1.1 Provide quality, well- maintained facilities, roads and open spaces for the benefit of the community

G4.1.1 Plan for the future, manage resources and measure progress based on the community’s vision (IPR Framework) G4.1.2 Provide responsible financial and asset management to ensure the City’s long-term sustainability

G4.1 Optimise use of the City’s resources and build organisational capability

Associated informing strategies are implemented and progress is monitored

Table 3.2 The City’s key strategic asset management goals for buildings

The City will exercise its duty of care to ensure public safety in accordance with the infrastructure risk management plan prepared in conjunction with this asset management plan. Management of infrastructure risks is covered in Section 6.


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