City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028
4.1 Demand drivers Factors affecting demand on the building portfolio include population change, changes in demographics, seasonal factors, vehicle ownership, consumer preferences and expectations, economic factors,
agricultural practices, and environmental awareness.
Demand factor trends and impacts on service delivery are summarised in Table 4.1.
Demand factor Present position Projection
Impact on services
219,918 (2016 Census)
An average increase of 1.72% per annum, with an estimated population of 287,162 in 2028
Increased population could result in an increased number of dwellings and customers expecting
appropriate building portfolio performance and provision
Stirling City Centre proposal
Additional 25,000 residents by 2031 Major construction projects of new assets and upgrade to existing portfolio will be required during the implementation of this proposal
Climate change
Increasing sea level has the potential to reduce the service standard of the existing building portfolio in coastal areas. Upgrades could be required to maintain existing service standards Changes in extreme rainfall (flood causing rainfall) could require alterations to existing structures. Changes in average rainfall (yearly rainfall) could result in a similar impact An increase in the aged population has the potential to increase demand on services specific to that demographic
Predicted decrease in total annual rainfall volumes, with severity (intensity) of rain storms likely to increase. The series of severe storm events that occurred in March 2010 (1:80 year ARI), June 2011 (1:50 year ARI) and December 2012 (1:90 year ARI) may be an example of such climate change
39,145 As the population continues to age, the percentage of residents over 65 years is forecast to increase
15-64 146,686 65+ 34,087
Table 4.1 Demand drivers, projections and impact on services
PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) is a known strategic business methodology that can be equally applied to asset management to reflect on the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legislative changes that may impact on building facilities in the future.
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