City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

1.6 Financial summary

1.7 Asset management practices Our information systems to manage assets include: • TechnologyOne FinanceOne • TechnologyOne Works and Assets • Assetic SAM • IntraMaps GIS.

What we cannot do Works and services that cannot be provided under present funding levels are: • The creation of new building objectives and not accompanied by a business case which has a lifecycle management approach • The over servicing of existing building assets. Managing the risks There are risks associated with providing buildings. We have identified major risks as: • Insufficient funding for required operational and maintenance activities • Insufficient funding for required building renewal treatments • Building failure due to poor condition • Environmental risks. We will endeavour to manage these risks within available funding by: • Identifying critical buildings • Implementing risk treatment plans • Understanding the risk treatment costs. assets that are unplanned, not aligned with the City’s

What we will do Estimated available capital funding for this period is approximately $159 million or $15.9 million on average per year. The capital renewal/ replacement funding shortfall over the 10-year planning period is on average $275,000 per year between projected expenditure required to provide services in the AM Plan compared with planned expenditure currently included in the Long-Term Financial Plan. The City plans to provide the following building services: • Operation, maintenance, renewal and upgrade of existing buildings to meet legislative requirements • Operation, maintenance, renewal and upgrade of existing buildings to meet current service levels.

1.8 Monitoring and improvement program The next steps resulting from

this buildings asset management plan to improve asset management practices are: • Collect functionality and capacity data • Present scenario models for the provision of building services at different levels of service • Review and update the Buildings Business Process Manual • Review current customer

and works management information systems for better performance reporting and planning.


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