City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028
The estimated confidence level for and reliability of data used in this BAMP is shown in Table 7.5.1.
Confidence assessment
Demand drivers
A Reliable
Population change is measured and updated, changes in building numbers are monitored, consumer preferences and demands are discussed with relevant Service Mangers
Growth projections
A Reliable
Based on historical records of growth
Operations expenditures
A Reliable
Sourced from the finance system
Maintenance expenditures
A Reliable
Sourced from the finance system
Projected renewal expenditures. – Asset values
A Reliable
Based on 2017 condition audit and 2018 comprehensive asset valuation
– Asset useful lives
A Reliable
Based on 2017 condition audit
– Condition modelling
A Reliable
Based on 2017 condition audit
– Portfolio renewals
A Reliable
Based on 2017 condition audit
– Defect repairs
A Reliable
Based on 2017 condition audit and annual defect inspection
Upgrade/New expenditures
C Uncertain Based on planned project data
Disposal expenditures
E Unknown To be determined
Table 7.5.1 Data confidence assessment for data used in BAMP
The confidence level for data used in the preparation of this BAMP is medium.
Buildings Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 63
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