City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

8.1.2 Asset management data sources

Linkage from asset management to financial system Financial asset data is recorded in Assetic’s myData and recorded at a financial asset class level in the financial system.

Asset registers The City has a number of systems which together improve the effective management of assets. These are: • TechnologyOne Works and Assets – holding the asset register containing inventory, condition and historical data of assets. Also used for managing capital projects, maintenance schedules, work orders and tracking status • TechnologyOne Intramaps GIS – managing the location of all assets, user access to asset register data, historic resurfacing data, budgeted and proposed works • TechnologyOne FinanceOne – tracking budgets, accessing financial data and valuation data • TechnologyOne PropertyCi – logging and processing of customer requests • MapInfo and QGIS – developing and editing GIS tables.

Accountabilities for asset management system and data maintenance

Processes have been established to ensure that data in the asset management systems are up-to-date.

Required changes to asset management system arising from this BAMP

As a result of this Buildings Asset Management Plan, the following changes are proposed for the asset management system: • A review of the maintenance management system for work planning and reporting improvements • Linking of customer requests with specific assets.


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