City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

8.3 Improvement plan The asset management improvement plan generated from this BAMP is shown in Table 8.3.

Asset management process



Resources required Timeline

Knowledge of asset and data management

Review the data structure of all existing buildings asset records

Asset Management

Facilities, Projects and Assets


Asset creation/ acquisition process

Document asset handover process Incorporate lifecycle costs of owning and operating a new building asset into all business cases

Asset Management

Facilities, Projects and Assets/Finance Facilities, Projects and Assets/ Service providers Facilities, Projects and Assets/ Service providers Service providers/ Facilities, Projects and Assets Facilities, Projects and Assets


Asset Management


Asset management plan

Present scenario models for the provision of building services at different levels of service Collect capacity and functionality conditions for all major buildings Review the remaining life profiles, consumption patterns, and unit rates for building assets Monitor the operation and maintenance activities delivered against defined asset performance, level of services and budgets Improve and develop work order management system Review link from customer management system to the works management system

Asset Management


Asset Management


Asset condition performance/

monitoring strategies

Asset Management


Asset Management/ Facilities, Projects and Assets

Facilities, Projects and Assets


Asset operation and maintenance

Works management system

Asset Management/ Corporate Information Services (CIS)

CIS/Facilities, Projects and Assets


Customer management system

CIS/Asset Management

CIS/Facilities, Projects and Assets


Table 8.3 Improvement plan


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