City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Background The City of Stirling (the City) covers an area of approximately 104.7 square kilometres, eight kilometres north of Perth’s CBD. A population of 219,918 (2016 Census) makes it the largest local government area by population in Western Australia. In addition, the City of Stirling is built on a coastal plain and assets are exposed to environmental conditions from coastal to wetland. Due to some of the assets’ coastal location, coastal building assets will deteriorate at a quicker rate than those further inland. This is largely owed to salt deterioration affecting bricks and mortar, timber, awnings and balconies. Building assets are provided and maintained to enable the delivery of services. The City aims to provide the community with well-maintained and clean facilities to meet the needs of current and future trends.
The fundamental purpose of this Buildings Asset Management Plan (BAMP) is to improve the City’s long-term strategic management of its building assets in order to cater for the community’s desired levels of service in the future. This should be done in accordance with the City’s key strategic documents and demonstrate reasonable management in the context of the City’s available human and financial resources. This asset management plan communicates the actions required for the responsive management of assets (and services provided from assets), compliance with regulatory requirements, and funding needed to provide the required levels of service over a 20-year planning period. The asset management plan follows the format for asset management plans recommended in Section 4 of the International Infrastructure Management Manual 1 .
The AMP is to be read in conjunction with the City’s Asset Management Policy, Asset Management Strategy and the following associated planning documents: • City of Stirling Strategic Community Plan 2018 – 2028 • City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan 2017/18 – 2020/21 • City of Stirling Yearly Capital Delivery Program • City of Stirling Access and Inclusion Plan 2015 – 2020. This Asset Management Plan covers buildings that are owned or managed by the City. The City has six buildings categories which are described in Table 2.1 below. A summary of the City’s buildings replacement value as at 30 June 2018, and their quantity by building category is also detailed in Table 2.1 below.
Building category
Number Replacement value
Community and recreational facilities City recreational and community facilities
Community-leased/licensed buildings – includes 75 clubrooms
City-managed buildings – includes three aquatic centres, four leisure centres, six libraries City-staffed operational buildings – includes the Administration Centre and building and operations centre
City operational buildings
City commercial buildings Leased buildings for commercial gain
$11,741,500 $11,832,300
Public toilets and/or changerooms Minor/other structures
Buildings with public toilet or changeroom facilities
Minor buildings including sheds, stores, shade sails
258 484
$16,168,296 $411,529,451
Table 2.1 Buildings covered by this Plan
1 IPWEA, 2015, Sec 4.2, Example of an Asset Management Plan Structure, pp 4 | 37 – 39.
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