City of Stirling Community and Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines
It is important to note that ‘Inform’ is not considered a level of engagement on its own, but instead an integral part of engagement at all levels. Communications and marketing tools sit at the Spectrum’s ‘Inform’ level, and are vital for all engagement activities and programs.
Engagement is a two-way process, which focuses on the ability to give stakeholders the opportunity to participate and provide feedback. But meaningful participation can’t occur if stakeholders aren’t aware of an engagement activity or don’t understand the details of the project or initiative.
To work directly with stakeholders throughout the process to ensure that stakeholder issues and concerns are consistently understood and considered
To partner with stakeholders in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and the identification of the preferred solution
To place the final decision- making in the hands of the community or public
We will work with you to ensure that your concerns and issues are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision
We will look to you for direct advice and innovation in formulating solutions and incorporate your advice and recommendations into the decisions to the maximum extent possible
We will implement what you decide
• Your Say Stirling page - - Ideas tool
• Your Say Stirling private groups • Citizen advisory/ reference committees • Participatory decision-making • Meetings
• Elected member representation • Ballots • Citizen juries • Delegated decisions
- - Smart forum - - Guest book - - Brain Stormer - - Places tool • Vox pops • Focus groups • Workshops
Increasing level of input into decision Increasing amount of resources and time required
City of Stirling Community and Stakeholder Engagement Guidelines | 15
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