City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Local Planning Strategy
• Facilitating the transition from retail- focussed centres to diverse mixed- use activity centres • Integrating transport and land use planning within the City • Promoting choice, sustainability, high-quality design and sense of place within the built environment • Fostering optimum use and the benefit of existing and future infrastructure • Protecting the built and cultural heritage of the City. The draft Local Planning Strategy Map outlines strategic opportunities for current and future development.
The City’s draft Local Planning Strategy provides a strategic guide for the future of development within the City.
The draft Local Planning Strategy is intended to provide the strategic basis for the current and future Local Planning Schemes, as well as guide and manage future development in the City. The Local Planning Strategy is a statutory document and provides a link between state and regional strategic planning policies and local interests. It is a requirement of the Planning and Development Act , and the Local Planning Strategy seeks to respond to the goals/targets identified in various state, regional and local planning documents. The objectives of the draft Local Planning Strategy and the Corporate Business Plan are aligned. The draft Local Planning Strategy
objectives focus on land use planning, built form and how the City can best represent local community values while planning for growth. To help achieve these objectives, the draft Local Planning Strategy focusses on: • Planning for most population growth to occur along transport corridors and around activity centres • Making way for the development of the Stirling City Centre, to deliver Perth’s second central business district • Zoning land appropriately to ensure the ongoing economic development of the City
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