City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Key strategies and plans
Federal Government KEY STAKEHOLDERS
Built Environment Liveable and Accessible City
Natural Environment Sustainable Natural Environment
Thriving Local Communities
Prosperous and Vibrant City
Federal Government Agencies Advancing Australia as a Digital Economy: An Update to the National Digital Economy Strategy, Department of Communications and the Arts Australian Government Black Spot Program, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development Corporate Plan 2016-20, Department of Communications and the Arts Emissions Reduction Fund, Department of the Environment and Energy Reporting Scheme, Clean Energy Regulator National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme, Clean Energy Regulator National Sport and Active Recreation Policy Framework, Department of Health National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (EPR), Department of the Environment and Energy National Waste Policy, Department of the Environment and Energy Renewable Energy Target, Clean Energy Regulator Smart Cities Plan, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
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