City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Sustainability Services y y City Trees y y Natural Areas y y Open Space and Parks Development y y Parks, Reserves and Streetscapes y y Resource Recovery y y Sustainability y y Waste Collection.
Governance and leadership Services y y Compliance, Risk, and Information Management y y Council Governance
Liveable neighbourhoods Projects y y Bennett Park Refurbishment Phase 2 y y Better Suburbs y y Bina Parkland Development y y Carine Sports Floodlighting Upgrade y y Coolbinia Building Refurbishment y y Doubleview Commercial Centre y y Hamersley Golf Course Redevelopment y y Herdsman Glendalough Structure Plan y y Inglewood Oval and Hamer Park Redevelopment y y Local Planning Scheme 4 y y Main Street Urban Design Study y y Mirrabooka Regional Improvement Strategy –
y y Customer Service y y Executive Services y y Financial Accounting y y Financial Planning y y Fleet Services y y Human Resource Culture and Innovation
Projects y y Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning y y Million Trees Initiative y y Stage 3 of the Recycling Centre Development (Waste Transfer Station Redevelopment) y y Urban Forest Plan Implementation y y Sustainable Energy Action Plan (Corporate) 2020 – 2030
y y Human Resource Operations y y Human Resource Services y y Marketing and Communications y y Occupational Safety and Health y y Project Management Office and Business Systems y y Purchasing, Procurement and Contracts y y Rates and Receivables y y Strategic and Business Planning y y Technology Services. Projects y y Corporate Information Services Technology Projects and Upgrades y y Culture Development Plan y y Customer Relationship Management System Implementation y y Workforce Plan.
Milldale Way Road Upgrade North Beach Rugby League
Facility Refurbishment y y Parking Management y y Precinct Packages y y Robinson Reserve Master Plan Implementation – Clubroom Upgrade
y y Stephenson Avenue Extension y y Sub-division Infrastructure Works: Former North Morley Pre-Primary y y Redevelopment of Stirling Leisure Centre – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre – Inglewood y y Urban Regeneration of
Nollamara Activity Centre y y West Coast Drive Cycling Improvements.
Corporate Business Plan 2020 – 2024 | 15
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