City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan

Outcome E2: Projects

2020/21 




Stirling Business Centre Grant

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Grant payment to Stirling Business Centre delivered

To assist Stirling Business Centre operations during the Covid-19 pandemic by providing grant funding for 12 months 2020/2021 project cost: $50,000 Stirling City Centre – Scarborough Beach Road Implementation To transform the Stirling City Centre into an accessible, sustainable, vibrant urban centre, providing increased jobs opportunities, housing choices and connecting transport Work for this financial year will be to produce preliminary designs and costings for projects along the Scarborough Beach Road corridor 2020/2021 project cost: $45,000

Acquittal report completed

2020/21 

2021/22 

2022/23 

2023/24 

Q1 Q2

Draft preliminary designs completed Draft analysis on parking opportunities in Stirling and Herdsman completed Draft funding opportunities identified Draft costings and business case for delivery of projects completed Final preliminary designs completed Costings and business case for delivery of projects completed Report on parking and funding opportunities produced



Arts and Events Professional Development Programs A professional development workshop program targeted to artists/creatives and event organisers aimed at building capacity,

2020/21 





Professional development program developed and promoted

Q2 Q3

Professional development program conducted

informing and skills development 2020/2021 project cost: $20,000

Uptake of professional development program assessed Success of professional development program evaluated


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