City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Liveable neighbourhoods
Outcome B1: Places to live, work and enjoy Objective
What does the City aim to achieve?
How will we get there?
Plan to create unique and liveable neighbourhoods and places that meet community need
B1.1.1 Prioritise growth in local activity centres and corridors B1.1.2 Plan for places that reflect their own unique character and Heritage, close to services and amenities B1.1.3 Facilitate housing choice for our diverse community B1.1.4 Provide and maintain safe, accessible open spaces for community liveability
Outcome B1: Services Service
2020/21 net service cost
Building Service
y y Building permits y y Demolition permits y y Strata inspections y y Occupancy permits y y Building approvals certificates y y Building orders
Planning Schemes and Policies
y y Strategic land use planning y y Street naming and house numbering y y Local Planning Schemes and policies y y Development application assessment and reporting y y Pre-lodgement advice y y Design review panel y y Subdivision assessments (for Western Australian Planning Commission) subdivision referral responses y y Subdivision assessments (for Western Australian Planning Commission) subdivision clearances y y Local development plan/structure plan assessment and reporting y y Develop and manage large complex planning projects y y Implement the City’s Heritage Management Strategy
Planning Service
Planning Projects
Swimming Pool Inspections
y y Inspections of private swimming pools
Verge and Crossover Service
y y Management of verge permits and verge/ tree bonds y y Crossover installation determination y y Crossover subsidy determination y y Verge treatment installation determinations
Corporate Business Plan 2020 – 2024 | 29
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