City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan

Key result area: Thriving communities

Outcome 1: Inclusive and harmonious City Objective:What does the City aim to achieve? Strengthen communities through sense of place Strategy: How will we get there? y Facilitate social participation through engagement and activation of local places y Celebrate and advocate for our multicultural and diverse community y Encourage and promote active participation and volunteering y Enable opportunities for lifelong learning.

Key informing frameworks and plans y Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan y Multicultural Framework y City of Stirling Public Art Masterplan.

Outcome 1: Services Services



2021/22 net service cost

Community Development

y Aboriginal community engagement y Access and inclusion y Age-friendly communities y Community centre management y Community hubs y Homelessness support y Men’s Shed y Volunteer services y Social planning



Libraries & Lifelong Learning

y Library and information services y Lifelong learning development programs and projects y Museum and community history services



Multicultural Engagement

y Multicultural framework y Settlement Engagement and Transition Support




Corporate Business Plan 2021 – 2025 | 15

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