City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan


About this Plan

Reporting performance Reporting progress towards the achievement of the objectives in the Strategic Community Plan and the Corporate Business Plan is an integral part of the City’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The City uses the Annual Report to inform the community of its achievements and progress.

In everything the City does, it will make the very best use of its finite resources to achieve the greatest possible benefit for the community. The Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026:

• States the City’s long-term vision, mission and values • Links the strategic objectives listed in the Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032, which was reviewed in 2022, with the delivery of services, key projects and programs • Provides an overview of the Council and organisational structure • Lists the services, projects and programs that the City will deliver in 2022/23 financial year • Outlines how the City will measure and report the progress of key projects and services • Provides an overview of the City’s informing strategies, such as the Local Planning Strategy, Long-Term Financial Plan, Workforce Plan and Asset Management Plans

• Describes the City’s commitment to risk management • Summarises the City’s operational budget and capital works program for the 2022/23 financial year • Provides the City’s 2022/23 financial year budget overview. The City of Stirling’s Corporate Business Plan 2022–2026 meets all regulatory requirements. The implementation of the City’s Corporate Business Plan will continue to drive improvements in service delivery and contribute towards achievement of our vision.

The City of Stirling has adopted a ‘balanced scorecard’ approach to measure the progress, performance and quality of the planned projects and services that are outlined in the Corporate Business Plan. This balanced scorecard will measure the City’s service performance across five key areas: Customer service Indicators will be used to measure customer and community satisfaction through independent surveys and internal analysis of efficiencies when dealing with customer correspondence. Financial Standard accounting practice indicators such as budget variances will be used to measure the performance of revenue, operational expenditure and capital expenditure. Other indicators will be used to target internal compliance relating to purchasing. People Indicators will be used to measure employee turnover, workplace health and safety, annual leave planning and individual officer performance appraisals.

Environmental Performance measures relating to waste

management, biodiversity and the City’s energy and water usage will be applied to relevant City services. Quality Using unique service-specific key performance indicators, services will be measured to reflect the overall quality of each individual service. The City of Stirling’s performance in service delivery and progress against project milestones will be reported to the Council and the City’s Executive Team each quarter. This will provide greater accountability and transparency and improve efficiency and effectiveness of its services across the organisation. Further details on the City’s balanced scorecard are outlined in the City of Stirling’s Performance Evaluation Framework.

Customer service



Balanced scorecard



CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2022–2026 | City of Stirling



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