City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan

Objective: Support a low-waste, circular economy that protects our environment from the impacts of waste The City aims to support a circular economy which reduces consumption and recaptures waste to be reused or recycled. To achieve this, we will provide a comprehensive waste management and recycling service to our community to reduce the impact of waste on our environment. We will also reduce waste generated through our own operations and engage and educate our community to reduce, reuse and recycle.


Projects Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning To conduct Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning (CHRMAP) to improve management of the natural and built environment along the City’s coastline





A waste-wise City

Q1 Community engagement undertaken Q2 CHRMAP advertised for public comment Q3 CHRMAP approved by Council and published on City’s website Q4 Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage funding acquittal completed

Strategy: How will we get there? • Increase the City’s use of recycled and recyclable materials • Reduce the City’s waste generation.

• Improve resource recovery for all waste streams across the City • Support, engage and guide our community to reduce waste generation and divert waste from landfill.

2022/23 budget allocation to the project

$325,000 Partially grant funded





Living Green School Funds

To support projects and activities at primary and secondary schools to further sustainability outcomes

Q1 2021/22 grant program evaluation report completed Q2 Registrations for 2022/23 closed and applications assessed Q3 All funds distributed Q4 Evaluation report completed

Services Main Services Container Deposit Scheme


FTE 2022/23 net service cost

Community and bulk customer service Refunds for material processed Recycling and litter reduction



2022/23 budget allocation to the project






Million Trees Initiative

Household hazardous waste Household waste recovery Recycling Centre Balcatta Waste Transfer Station

($684,977) The surplus of this service is transferred to the reserve ($2,816,177) The surplus of this service is transferred to the reserve

Resource Recovery


This initiative aims to increase plantings within the City’s parks, reserves, natural areas and streetscapes to meet the target of over one million trees and shrubs in the City by 2025 2022/23 budget allocation to the project

Q1 Tree planting for 2022 season completed Q2 Tree orders for 2023 season placed for external nurseries Q3 Q4 Tree planting for 2023 season started

Waste Operations Household and commercial waste collection Illegal dumping Verge waste collection


$1,427,000 Partially reserve funded





Urban Forest Plan

Public litter bins Beach cleaning

Implementation of the Urban Forest Plan to increase tree retention, planting and canopy maximisation, and raise communi ty awareness and participation in urban forest initiatives

Q1 Arborist support program commenced Q2 Education activities delivered

Other contributing services All other City services

Service provider for canopy monitoring confirmed

Q3 Free tree program commenced Q4 WA Tree Fest completed Free trees distributed


2022/23 2023/24



Recycling Centre Balcatta Redevelopment

Canopy and vegetation health data received

2022/23 budget allocation to the project

$183,350 Reserve funded

To redevelop City of Stirling’s waste facility to ensure compliance with all environmental regulations and best practice principles in relation to waste reduction and separation 2022/23 budget allocation to the project

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

$Nil Project deferred to later years

Programs Program

Net cost for 2022/23


Minor Capital Replacement This program provides funding for the replacement of existing equipment that has reached its end of life.

CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2022–2026 | City of Stirling



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