City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Message from the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer
The City of Stirling is proud to present the City’s Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026, which details how we plan to deliver the objectives and strategies set in our 10-year Strategic Community Plan, ‘Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032’.
With over 223,000 residents, the City of Stirling is the largest local government in Western Australia by population. With our community’s best interests in mind, we strive to meet the changing needs of our residents into the future. Following a major review of the City’s long-term strategic community plan, the new Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032 outlines an ambitious and achievable vision to be ‘a sustainable City with a local focus’. This Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026 maps out the services, projects and programs we will deliver over the next four years to achieve this vision. The City will invest in a range of projects to support the community and create a sustainable future. This includes assistance for people who are experiencing homelessness, public art projects, a safer communities CCTV initiative and preparing a plan for community infrastructure in the Stirling City Centre. Grants will be provided to support business innovation and sponsorship for major events to attract visitors and create activity in our local centres. Ongoing investment into major projects, including Stage 2 of the Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre redevelopment, renewal of the North Beach Soccer Club (Federally funded), design and construction of a new facility for the Carine Cats Ball Club, and an escalation of our solar panel installation program are planned in 2022/2023.
The Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026: • Links each of the services, projects and programs to the strategic objectives found in Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032 and includes the resourcing allocated to these • Provides an overview of the structure of the Council and the organisation • Outlines how the City will measure and report on its progress and achievement against the Plan. The Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026 provides a best practice approach to accountability, transparency and integrated planning and reporting. This transparency in reporting has once again been recognised at the 2022 Australasian Reporting Awards, with the City of Stirling receiving the Gold Award for the eighth consecutive year for excellence in transparency and reporting for our 2020/21 Annual Report. Along with the Annual Report, the City will report the progress of projects and performance of services to the Council on a quarterly basis. We are committed to delivering a sustainable City with a focus on supporting our local community. The Corporate Business Plan 2022-2026 turns these priorities into action to achieve the vision in Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032 and will ensure we create a bright future for everyone in the City of Stirling – the City of Choice.
Mark Irwin City of Stirling Mayor
Stuart Jardine PSM Chief Executive Officer
CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2022–2026 | City of Stirling
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