City of Stirling Handy Services Guide
C Cats Registration and Microchipping The Cat Act 2011 requires owners of cats (over the age of six months) to ensure that their feline pets are: • Sterilised • Micro-chipped and wearing a collar and registration tags for identification purposes and • Registered with the local government in which the pet resides. Visit the City’s website for registration forms, payment details and information about discount/concession rates available for sterilisation and microchipping upon proof of residency within the City. Local governments are authorised to enforce this legislation and fines will apply to owners who do not comply with the requirements. Please inform the City of any change of address or ownership details for your cat. This assists in ensuring accurate records are maintained, and with reuniting lost pets with their owners. Cat permits Permits are required if you have more than two cats (over the age of three months) in the City. If you are within a fauna protection buffer zone, you may only keep one cat without a permit. If you have four or more cats, you will need to apply for a cattery permit. Cat-prohibited areas Local laws are in place to control the number of cats to protect native wildlife. Cats are prohibited to enter some areas of the City in an effort to guard local flora and fauna. If your cat is found in a prohibited area, the owner may incur a fine. A fauna protection buffer zone extends 200 metres from the boundary of a cat-prohibited area to protect these areas. The following are cat prohibited areas: • Star Swamp Bushland Reserve • Carine Open Space
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