City of Stirling Handy Services Guide
N Newsletters Please refer to Community communications on page 20.
Noise pollution The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulation is the principal legislation controlling noise nuisance in Western Australia. The regulations cover construction noise, stereo noise as well as loud music, power tools, alarms, air conditioners and other equipment such as pool pumps and refrigeration units. Noise complaints are required to be registered in writing. Noise investigation request forms are available on the City’s website. O Outside school hours care Outside school hours care is provided by the City at Inglewood. We also offer the On the Bus program which is a mobile service with pick up and drop off points at Balga, Hamersley and Scarborough. The service caters for 11 to 15 year olds and runs in the school holidays. Fees associated with these services will depend on the amount of Child Care Subsidy you are eligible to receive. To determine eligibility, families must register with their nearest Family Assistance Office by phone 13 61 50 or on the myGov website. For further information, visit the City’s website.
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