City of Stirling Parks and Open Space Asset Managment Plan

5.2 Operations and maintenance plan Operations include regular activities to provide services such as public health, safety and amenity, eg, cleaning, street sweeping, utilities costs and street lighting. Routine maintenance is the regular ongoing work that is necessary to keep assets operating, including instances where portions of the asset fail and need immediate repair to make the asset operational again, eg, road patching. Maintenance includes all actions necessary for retaining an asset as near as practicable to an appropriate service condition, including regular ongoing day-to-day work necessary to keep assets operating.

Past maintenance budgets are shown in Table 5.2.1 below. Maintenance expenditure levels are considered to be adequate to meet projected service levels, which may be less than or equal to current service levels. Where maintenance expenditure levels are such that they will result in a lesser level of service, the service consequences and service risks have been identified and highlighted in this PAMP.


Maintenance budget (thousands)

2017/18 2016/17 2015/16

$4,224 $4,012 $3,811

Table 5.2.1 Maintenance expenditure trends

Parks Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 33

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