City of Stirling Parks and Open Space Asset Managment Plan

5.4.3 Summary of asset expenditure requirements The financial projections from this asset plan are shown in Figure 5.4.3 below for projected operating (operations and maintenance) and capital expenditure (renewal and upgrade/expansion/new assets). Note that all costs are shown in real values.

The bars in the graphs represent the anticipated budget needs required to achieve lowest lifecycle costs; the budget line indicates what is currently available. The gap between these informs the discussion on achieving the balance between services, costs and risk to achieve the best value outcome.





Expenditure (thousands)





Capital upgrade / new Disposals

Capital renewal

Capital upgrade/new

Capital renewal



Budget expenditure



Budget expenditure

Figure 5.4.3 Projected operating and capital expenditure

5.5 Disposal plan Disposal includes any activity associated with the disposal of a decommissioned asset, including sale, demolition or relocation. Assets that have been identified for possible decommissioning and disposal will be included in future revisions of this PAMP, together with estimated annual savings from not having to fund operations and maintenance of the assets. When assets are considered for decommissioning,

they are investigated to determine the required levels of service and the options available for alternate service delivery, if any. Any costs or revenue gained from asset disposals will be accommodated in the Long-Term Financial Plan.


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