City of Stirling Parks and Open Space Asset Managment Plan
Appendix B
Ten-year playground equipment by site capital replacement program
Site asset ID
Asset ID Asset name
Estimated treatment cost
Playground condition
Play value condition
2027/28 2346 2027/28 2308
200282 Candella Square - playground site 1316684 Coppercups/Everlasting Reserve - playground site 1314994 Dryandra/Pendula Comm Centre - playground site 1314998 Jones/Paskin - playground site
$35,000 $35,000
4 4
5 5
2027/28 2117
2027/28 2169 2027/28 2172 2027/28 2112 2027/28 2224 2027/28 2235 2027/28 2240 2027/28 2475 2027/28 2328 2027/28 2233 2027/28 2281 2027/28 2083 2027/28 2306
3 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 5
5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5
1400824 Karrinyup Sports Centre - playground site $30,000
1400510 Majestic/Noble (Dianella Hts) - playground site
2001986 Penelope/Stubberfield - playground site 1400058 Redunca/Coronata - playground site 1401509 Robinson Reserve - playground site 1314022 Rye Place - playground site 1400516 Saint Andrews - playground site 2003214 Sandover Reserve South - playground site 2002730 Wanneroo/Derrington - playground site 2003875 Williamson Wy - playground site
$35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $515,000
2001983 Yuluma Park - playground site
Total expenditure
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