City of Stirling Public Art Masterplan
Weaving of Stories, Sharyn Egan 2018. Scarborough Square
Key findings
Public art is a tool to create great places Respondents were enthusiastic about the potential of public art to enhance public spaces and communities. The best public art is specific to place and memorable Favourite public artworks mentioned from around the world tended to be distinctive artworks which were particular to a place and enhanced the respondent’s experience of that place.
Local cultures should be represented in our public art Many respondents expressed the desire for public artworks in their communities to reflect and promote the diverse culture of our community.
The community are enthusiastic about engaging with art and artists
There is a strong appetite amongst City of Stirling residents for associated public art engagement opportunities, including workshops, interpretative and artist information, online access and community participation in public artwork creation.
Public art should be appropriate to local context and accessible
Respondents did not like public artworks they thought to be unsuited to place by typology or subject, and/ or artworks they didn’t know the meaning of.
Public Art Masterplan 2021 – 2025 | 13
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