City of Stirling Public Art Masterplan
Section 3: The Masterplan
Strategic foundation The Public Art Masterplan identifies specific public artwork opportunities that respond to a strong strategic foundation. The City’s delivery of a successful public art program requires a clearly articulated overarching vision, along with a set of principles and objectives that demonstrate the key aspirations and priorities for public art in the City of Stirling. The City of Stirling’s vision is to be guided by a Public Art Masterplan that incorporates the important and unique elements of life in the City of Stirling. These elements are drawn into curatorial themes and practical opportunities, which will be utilised by the City’s Arts and Events team and artists. The resulting public artworks delivered will be high quality, meaningful and valued by the community and visitors alike.
The Public Art Masterplan recognises the potential for public artworks within the City to represent the City’s heritage and cultural identity, beautify and enhance streetscapes, activate public spaces, increase amenity and draw visitors to the City. The City of Stirling aims to maximise the potential of public artworks to achieve these goals through the implementation of the Public Art Masterplan and the use of its principles and curatorial themes to strategically inform public art commissions over the next four years. This approach will ensure that new commissions by the City of Stirling prioritise public artworks that are cemented in the goals and aspirations of the community.
Above: Ethereal Welcome Hand, Kylie Graham 2018. Scarborough Beach Left: From Swamp to Sea, Brenton See, 2020. Mount Flora Regional Museum
Public Art Masterplan 2021 – 2025 | 23
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