City of Stirling - Sustainable Stirling 2022 - 2032 Strategic Community Plan


An accessible and connected City

Sustainable Stirling 2022–2032 at a glance Sustainable Stirling 2022–2032 incorporates feedback from the community and outlines a vision, mission and direction for the next 10 years. This is further described by five key result areas, which give direction to our commitment to achieve this vision.

A liveable City

An attractive and well-maintained City

An inclusive and harmonious City

Our Built Environment

An active and healthy City

An energy-smart City

Each key result area has outcomes, objectives and strategies that outline what the City aims to achieve and how the City will achieve it. New baseline measures have been developed to sit alongside the new objectives and strategies. The City’s success and performance in future years will be measured against these.

Our Community

A safer City

Sustainable Stirling 2022–2032

A biodiverse City

Our Natural Environment

A sustainable City with a local focus

A water-wise City

A smart and prosperous City

A waste-wise City

Our Economy

Our Leadership

A local business City

A well-governed City

A customer-focused City

A capable and efficient City

A vibrant City

Sustainable Stirling 2022–2032



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