City of Stirling - Sustainable Stirling 2022 - 2032 Strategic Community Plan
Objective: Provide accountable and ethical governance Transparent and ethical governance contributes to public trust and confidence in Council decision making, and the City is committed to this process. This practice of good governance will be responsible, clear and in line with legislative requirements to ensure we support the best interests of our community. We will continue to monitor and improve our accountability and integrity and be an active contributor in the local government sector.
Key result area
A well-governed City
How will we achieve this? • Comply with legislation, standards and obligations
How will we measure our progress? • Annual Compliance Audit Return • Compliance of the City’s operations with the Risk Management Policy • Attainment of awards and recognition within the sector • Operational key performance indicators for each of our associated services • Progress and outcomes of dedicated City projects and programs.
Our Leadership
• Conscious and effective management of risk • Provide local government sector leadership.
Associated City services Council Governance, Compliance, Risk & Information Management, Executive Services.
A customer-focused City
A capable and efficient City
A well-governed City
Sustainable Stirling 2022–2032
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