City of Stirling Transport Asset Managment Plan
4.3 Demand management plan The City manages demand for new services through a combination of existing assets, upgrades to the existing assets and provision of new assets, along with non-asset solutions like insuring against risks and managing failures. The City currently implements the following demand management techniques: • Passive traffic management devices to restrict vehicle speeds, access to large vehicles and to encourage the use of alternative routes
• Signals and traffic management devices to manage traffic movement • Education and promotion of alternative modes of transport through the improvement of the pathway network • Integrated intelligent
transport system to improve the efficiency and reliability of traffic management systems.
Key opportunities to manage the demand of transport assets are listed in Table 4.3.
Demand management plan
Providing a transport network with sufficient capacity
Network analysis and modelling of identified high traffic area Perform analysis and modelling of proposed new developments to determine impacts to the current network Results incorporated into Forward Capital Works Five-Year Program prioritisation criteria Promote and develop public and alternative transport options around residential and commercial areas Risk criticality incorporated into Forward Capital Works Five-Year Program and Preventive Maintenance Programs prioritisation criteria Develop deterioration models for roads and pathways that fit empirical data and improve lifecycle management Continue traffic management initiatives and processes to address high-risk intersections and other locations in the road and pathways network Implement long-term plan for ROW dedication and upgrade based in approved funding and prioritisation matrix
Maintaining physical level of service
Providing a safe network
Rights of Way (ROW) initiative
Table 4.3 Demand management plan
The development of detailed demand management plans will be required to provide more accurate forecasts for: • Asset maintenance and rehabilitation
• New and in-fill development • Customer service demands.
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