City of Stirling Transport Asset Managment Plan
9.3 Improvement plan The Asset Management Improvement Plan generated from this asset management plan is shown in Table 9.1.
AM process
Resources required Timeline
Asset management plan Knowledge of asset and data management
Update asset management plan with new template
Asset Management
Asset Management
Review Business Process Manual
Asset Management
Engineering Design, Engineering Operations Asset Management, consultant
Asset condition performance/ monitoring strategies
New road data collection. Pathway condition of pathways in reserves Transfer all asset data to shape files and edit using QGIS Link work orders with assets to monitor asset performance
Asset Management
Spatial mapping system
Asset Management
Asset Management, CIS
Works management system
Asset Management, Engineering Operations
Engineering Operations, CIS
Table 9.1 Improvement plan
9.4 Monitoring and review procedures
This TAMP has a life of four years. It will be reviewed during annual budget preparation and amended to recognise any changes in service levels and/or resources available to provide those services as a result of the budget decision process.
Transport Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 69
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