Stirling Scene Kambarang 2019
Local history focus on…
Tuart Hill Tuart Hill got its name from the many majestic tuart trees that once grew throughout the area. In 1872, the local tuart trees became a landmark for travellers making their way along a then newly-constructed road through to a settlement in Wanneroo. Development in the western portion of Tuart Hill was relatively slow when lots were put on the market. Prior to World War II, much of Tuart Hill was still used for rural purposes. Interest in the area gathered momentum after the war and the suburb was fully developed by the 1960s. The suburb is now home to Grenville Reserve, and Robinson Reserve as well as the Osborne Community Hub. To discover more about the City’s history, visit the museum on Elvire Street, North Beach on Wednesdays from 1.00pm to 4.00pm, other times by appointment.
Volunteers Saeidh Botlani and Ruska Tasevska with participant Sandar Hlaing Ya and ECU prac student Nic Todd
Serene Centre workshops The Stirling Women’s Centre is offering free workshops through the Serene Centre to help empower and educate women and children. Held in Nollamara, upcoming workshops will cover topics including budgeting, basic home maintenance and self-care strategies. Creative workshops for children give youngsters an opportunity to get their hands dirty and have fun. The centre also runs Family and Domestic Violence Awareness workshops to help identify forms of violence, warning signs and ways to keep your children safe. Contact The Serene Centre on (08) 9205 7375 or email for bookings. encouraged locals to help prepare a range of delicious dishes from donated produce and then sit down together for a lunch to enjoy their kitchen handiwork. About 100 people prepped and cooked vegan dishes including soups, baked veggies and curries at Stirling Leisure Centres - Herb Graham - Mirrabooka. Community Kitchen as a way of bringing people together, welcoming newcomers and reducing the amount of fresh food going to waste. Similar to programs run overseas, the event held in Mirrabooka All the right ingredients The City recently hosted its first
The event proved a real joint effort between City staff, local volunteers, Edith Cowan University practicum student Nic Todd and community volunteer Theresa Young who all chipped in to make it a success. After the success of this first event, the City hopes to host a regular Community Kitchen get-together. Mirrabooka Fresh Produce, Northlands Fresh Market, Woolworths Mirrabooka, Woolworths Stirling and Spudshed Innaloo all kindly donated produce to the initial Community Kitchen event.
A classic look at Wanneroo Road in Tuart Hill near Lawley Street
More issues of Scene delivered to your door To keep you more up-to-date about news and happenings in and around your community, the City will distribute an extra two issues of Scene magazine each year. Now you can look forward to a new issue of Scene magazine every two months. Each issue will recognise one of the six Nyoongar seasons – Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang . This Kambarang issue covers the period of October and November, which represents longer dry periods and the height of the wildflower season in Nyoongar culture.
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