City of Stirling Budget Newsletter
Gross Rental Value Annual rates are calculated on the Gross Rental Value (GRV) and applies to all rateable properties in Western Australia. The City sets a different rate in the dollar depending on whether the property is residential, commercial, industrial or vacant. The GRV is independently calculated by the Valuer General’s Office (Landgate). The GRV figure is based on annual rent you could expect to receive if you were to rent out your property and it also allows for outgoings such as rates and other property expenses. The GRV is affected by factors such as location, age and type of property. The City charges a different rate in the dollar depending on the type of property as detailed in the table in this section.
The table below shows differential and minimum rates for 2024/2025. Rate in the $ amount Residential $0.052849 Commercial $0.057362 Industrial $0.059721 Vacant $0.079275 General Minimum Rate $948.00 Parkland Villas (under 36m 2 ) $789.00 Strata Titled Storage Units $616.00
More information can be found on Landgate’s website or by contacting the Landgate Customer Service Team on (08) 9273 7373. The residential rate in the dollar set for 2024/2025 will result in an average increase of 2.95%, the general minimum rate has also increased by 2.95%.
Vacant Land A higher rate in the dollar applies for vacant land and was introduced to encourage owners to develop their land to help create vibrant communities and support the local economy. A concession scheme was granted on 1 July 2022 to owners of the land that have been classified as vacant for less than three years at that date. This concession reduces the rate in the dollar charged from the vacant rate to the relevant differential rates (residential, commercial or industrial).
City Revenue 2024/2025
Security service charge $4.8m
Proceeds from asset disposals $2.1m
Waste service charge $45.8m
Grants, subsidies and contributions $27.3m
Fees, charges and other revenue $43.3m
Interest earnings $10.0m
Rates $166.4m
The difference between total revenue and expenditure is funded from reserves and opening surplus.
Total $299.7m
Where your rates will be spent
Administration, Governance and Council Support $18.2m
Community Safety $10.5m
Customer Service $9.9m
Development Services $14.2m
Parks and Sustainability $50.0m
Recreation and Leisure $27.4m
Facilities, Projects
Business Systems
Community Services and Libraries $25.8m
Infrastructure Design and Engineering $45.9m
Planning and
Waste and Fleet $47.1m
and Assets $26.6m
and Support $24.8m
City Future $13.3m
Total $313.7m
$23 million on roads and footpaths
$650,000 for new CCTV
$8.4 million to renew local facilities
$13 million for parks and reserves
$600,000 for coastal erosion works
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