City of Stirling Budget Newsletter

Budget Newsletter 2023-2024

Budget Newsletter

The Wagyl travelled through the land, creating all the geological features we see today in Mooro country, like the hills, gullies, lakes and swamps. Artwork by Norlap Creative in partnership with Teresa Miller (Beelya Yorg).

Mayor’s message

The City will also invest $3 million for the redevelopment of our Recycling Centre Balcatta, with further investment planned in future years to ensure best practice in waste reduction. Alongside a capital works program of $74.3 million, we are investing $13 million on our 502 parks and reserves with increased funding for tree planting; $8.4 million to fund building renewals for local community facilities, $1.1 million for our Community Grants Program; and $620,000 in event sponsorships to attract world-class events. Investigation of an environmentally sensitive Coastal Boardwalk design and concept will explore the feasibility of a new link between Scarborough and Trigg. With community engagement set to be a major component, the protection and enhancement of our natural environment will be a key focus, while also exploring the economic impact of creating unique tourism infrastructure along our coastline. We are also funding initiatives that will help to enhance our built environment. This includes an extension of Hutton Street to Walters Drive; progressing advertising of our new Local Planning Scheme No. 4 and preparation of our updated Planning Strategy; and site investigation and monitoring at Hertha Reserve to determine the potential of this strategically located site within Stirling City.

The City will continue being transparent and accountable in annual reporting. We recently won our 10 th consecutive gold award for our 2022/23 Annual Report at the Australasian Reporting Awards. Conscious of the current economic climate, the City will absorb costs to deliver an average residential rate increase of 2.95 per cent. This is one of the lowest increases in the Perth metropolitan area, remaining well below inflation. Like households and businesses, local governments are also not immune to the increasing costs that support the delivery of services, infrastructure and projects our community needs. In this newsletter, you will find information on just some of the Waste and Recycling and Community Safety services we offer our residents, as well as where to find our rates explainer video or print-out to help you understand your rates notice. Turn the page to find out how to go in the draw to win a $500 voucher, or where to find your free family swim pass (two adults and two children or four individual passes) which can be used at any of our three aquatic facilities. The City is dedicated to providing quality services to our community and we look forward to another busy and productive year in 2024/25.

Our budget is part of a considered plan to deliver services, projects and programs that respond to our community’s priorities now, while also continuing to plan for the long-term future and needs of our growing population of more than 243,000. Two major projects coming to completion will see the face of the City change. Stirling Leisure – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre – Inglewood outdoor pool redevelopment is set to reopen in August, which will see the City become home to the largest outdoor lap pool in the southern hemisphere. The City is also looking forward to completion of the Hamersley Public Golf Course redevelopment, anticipated by the end of 2024. This includes a state-of-the-art 30-bay, two-level automated driving range; a modern pro shop and clubhouse; and a new restaurant.

Mark Irwin | City of Stirling Mayor

Gross Rental Value Annual rates are calculated on the Gross Rental Value (GRV) and applies to all rateable properties in Western Australia. The City sets a different rate in the dollar depending on whether the property is residential, commercial, industrial or vacant. The GRV is independently calculated by the Valuer General’s Office (Landgate). The GRV figure is based on annual rent you could expect to receive if you were to rent out your property and it also allows for outgoings such as rates and other property expenses. The GRV is affected by factors such as location, age and type of property. The City charges a different rate in the dollar depending on the type of property as detailed in the table in this section.

The table below shows differential and minimum rates for 2024/2025. Rate in the $ amount Residential $0.052849 Commercial $0.057362 Industrial $0.059721 Vacant $0.079275 General Minimum Rate $948.00 Parkland Villas (under 36m 2 ) $789.00 Strata Titled Storage Units $616.00

More information can be found on Landgate’s website or by contacting the Landgate Customer Service Team on (08) 9273 7373. The residential rate in the dollar set for 2024/2025 will result in an average increase of 2.95%, the general minimum rate has also increased by 2.95%.

Vacant Land A higher rate in the dollar applies for vacant land and was introduced to encourage owners to develop their land to help create vibrant communities and support the local economy. A concession scheme was granted on 1 July 2022 to owners of the land that have been classified as vacant for less than three years at that date. This concession reduces the rate in the dollar charged from the vacant rate to the relevant differential rates (residential, commercial or industrial).

City Revenue 2024/2025

Security service charge $4.8m

Proceeds from asset disposals $2.1m

Waste service charge $45.8m

Grants, subsidies and contributions $27.3m

Fees, charges and other revenue $43.3m

Interest earnings $10.0m

Rates $166.4m

The difference between total revenue and expenditure is funded from reserves and opening surplus.

Total $299.7m

Where your rates will be spent

Administration, Governance and Council Support $18.2m

Community Safety $10.5m

Customer Service $9.9m

Development Services $14.2m

Parks and Sustainability $50.0m

Recreation and Leisure $27.4m

Facilities, Projects

Business Systems

Community Services and Libraries $25.8m

Infrastructure Design and Engineering $45.9m

Planning and

Waste and Fleet $47.1m

and Assets $26.6m

and Support $24.8m

City Future $13.3m

Total $313.7m

$23 million on roads and footpaths

$650,000 for new CCTV

$8.4 million to renew local facilities

$13 million for parks and reserves

$600,000 for coastal erosion works

Your rates notice Confused by your rates notice? Want to know what each charge actually means? We’re here to help! Scan the QR code to the right or visit to watch a video explainer about your rates notice. We’ve also included more information below about some of the charges on your rates notice and what they mean for you as a City rate payer.

Don’t forget! At the bottom of your rates notice are your free swim and tip passes – keep these somewhere safe! Your swim passes are valid for a family swim (two adults and two children) or four individual swims to be used at any of our Aquatic facilities, Stirling Leisure – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre – Inglewood, Stirling Leisure – Leisurepark Balga, and Stirling Leisure – Scarborough Beach Pool.

Scan the QR code to watch a video explainer about your rates notice.

Waste Collection and Recycling Contributed to by the Waste Service Charge The Waste Service charge on your rates notice covers a variety of City Waste services including: • Regular residential bin collection for general waste, recycling and green waste • Public litter bins at locations throughout the City – such as parks, reserves, beaches and other public places • Management of illegally dumped waste. Residents also receive multiple tip passes on their annual rates notice. These passes allow disposal of various materials at the Recycling Centre Balcatta (fees apply after all tip passes have been used). Tip passes are provided annually for residential use only and are non-transferable. If your bin has been missed, gets damaged or you need a new one, you can make a request to repair or replace your bins at

On-demand waste collection As a City resident, you have access to a range of free, on-demand waste services, as detailed below. Book your on-demand collection at Skip bin hire A free 3m 3 skip can be delivered for general household waste. An extra skip bin can be booked at a reduced cost. Electronic waste The City allows a maximum of six items of electronic waste to be collected. This includes items such as old computers, TVs and other electronic devices. Mattresses The City allows a maximum of six mattresses (or bases) to be collected. One mattress and one base equal two items.

White goods A maximum of four items can be collected, including fridges, freezers, ovens, cooktops, washing machines, clothes dryers and dishwashers.

Recycling Centre Balcatta (RCB)

The RCB is the City’s dedicated recycling centre, where residents can dispose of various recycling and reusable items, as well as residential quantities of household hazardous waste. Residents can also use their tip passes to dispose of general waste, construction/demolition waste, green waste, white goods and mattresses. Additionally, residents may purchase a range of pre-owned items from the centres’ Recycling Shop.

$500 Karrinyup Shopping Centre voucher to be won! The City is committed to creating a better and more efficient rates process for our community, and as part of this commitment, in 2022 the City launched its online rates portal for our customers. The City’s rates portal, offers many self-service benefits including easy payment of rates online, viewing your transaction history, setting up direct debit, signing up to receive future rates notices electronically and view current and previous rates notices. The rates portal enables you to lodge, track, pay and manage your rates and property account applications anytime and anywhere. Simply sign up today or access your existing account before 30 June 2025 to be

in the running for a $500 Karrinyup Shopping Centre voucher. Visit for further details, competition terms and conditions, and to login in or register.

How to pay your rates The City offers a range of hassle-free payment options, we encourage property owners to choose the payment option which best suits their household budgets, which is why we offer weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and annual payments. The City offers payments, including online, direct debit, BPAY, Centrepay, Australia Post, phone, in person or by mail. Direct debit is a convenient, quick and safe way to keep track of your payments, to ensure they are paid on time and can be set up online through our website. The good news is there is no additional fees incurred by electing to pay your rates by direct debit (rates smoothing). You can also elect to pay by special arrangement suitable for your circumstances, contact our rates department to discuss further. The City also offers direct debit that enables you to pay your rates in two instalments, four instalments, or in full. Reminder notices will be issued prior to each instalment. For further information, visit

Go green, go paperless

Make the switch to paperless billing and keep our City liveable and sustainable. Get your bills delivered directly to your inbox, with more convenient ways to open, print, file or share. Sign up for eRates at

Set and forget with Direct Debit

Make the switch to direct debit (rates smoothing) with 0 per cent interest. Sign up for direct debit at

Rates payments by Centrepay

Use Centrepay to make regular deductions from your Centrelink Payment. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers.

The City can set up your deductions for you and you can start, change or stop using Centrepay whenever you like. For further information, visit or contact our Rates Team on (08) 9205 8555.

Scan the QR code to visit the City’s website and find out more information about Rates.

State Government Rebate Rates concessions are available to individuals who have an eligible pension or seniors card. If you are not registered at the City as an eligible pensioner or senior and feel that you may be eligible, please contact the Water Corporation or the City’s rates team as soon as possible. Concessions apply to the rates and Emergency Services Levy only – all other charges such as waste, community safety and pool charges are exempt from a concession.

Community Safety Services Contributed to by the Community Safety Service Charge The service aims to provide visible and responsive community patrols, mobile and CCTV technology and safety initiatives to help prevent crime and reduce anti-social behaviour to create a safer City. Revenue raised from this charge will be used to enable the provision of these services and initiatives. If surplus funds are identified at the end of the year, these funds will be transferred to a specific reserve for use in providing the service in future years.

Holiday Watch Would you like to have your property patrolled while you are away on holiday? You can request drive-by patrols of your property for added peace of mind by applying for our Holiday Watch service. For additional security tips to keep your home safe while you’re away and to find out how to apply visit

Safer Suburbs Rebate To help reduce crime and empower residents to ensure their homes are safe and secure, the City offered residents a rebate of up to $500 for eligible safety and security equipment installed on their property. In 2023/24, a total of 650 rebates were provided to City residents totalling close to $270,000. To continue to keep our community safe, we are excited to be offering the Safer Suburbs Rebate program again this year. Responsible Cat Ownership Subsidy To encourage cat owners to register their cats, the City temporarily partnered with local vet clinics to reduce the costs associated with microchip, sterilisation and registration requirements. With a focus on supporting an updated Cats Local Law this year, further initiatives to increase cat registration will be offered. To find out more visit

Fire preparedness The start date of the fire

Pet registration Do you have a furry four-legged friend in your home? All dogs and cats are required by law to be registered with their local council. Cats need to be microchipped, sterilised and registered from six months of age and dogs need to be microchipped and registered from three months of age. To find out more visit

preparedness and firebreak requirements for all properties within the City will change. To assist in the prevention, control and spread of fire in the community all owners and occupiers of land will now be required to remove all flammable material and clear firebreaks on their property from 1 November 2024 through to 31 March 2025.

For more information visit

Emergency Services Levy (ESL) Local government collects ESL on behalf of the State Government Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) by including the levy on local government rate notices. The levy is to fund Western Australia’s fire and emergency services, including all career fire stations, volunteer fire brigades, State Emergency Service (SES) units and multi-purpose volunteer emergency units. The ESL levy is not set or controlled by the City of Stirling. To learn more about how your ESL is calculated, including information on ESL rates, limits and concessions visit

Mayor and Councillors




Watermans Bay

Balga Ward

Hamersley Ward


North Beach





Mayor – Mark Irwin telephone: (08) 9205 8502 email:







Coastal Ward

Osborne Ward

Lawley Ward Deputy Mayor Councillor – Suzanne Migdale mobile: 0417 137 362 email:

Inglewood Ward



Doubleview Ward


Tuart Hill

Lawley Ward

Osborne Park





Wembley Downs




Councillor – Joe Ferrante mobile: 0418 891 274 email:



Mount Lawley

Hamersley Ward

Balga Ward

Councillor – Chris Hatton mobile: 0439 752 279 email:

Councillor – Andrea Creado mobile: 0413 495 314 email:

Councillor – Karlo Perkov mobile: 0447 904 714 email:

Councillor – Michael Dudek mobile: 0435 553 907 email:

Inglewood Ward

Coastal Ward

Councillor – Damien Giudici mobile: 0430 436 094 email:

Councillor – Rob Paparde mobile: 0405 149 149 email:

Councillor – David Lagan mobile: 0408 068 597 email:

Councillor – Tony Krsticevic mobile: 0419 220 062 email:

Osborne Ward

Doubleview Ward

Councillor – Lisa Thornton mobile: 0490 237 604 email:

Councillor – Elizabeth Re mobile: 0419 913 988 email:

Councillor – Teresa Olow mobile: 0402 232 210 email:

Councillor – Stephanie Proud JP mobile: 0411 070 793 email:

Administration Centre 25 Cedric Street Stirling WA 6021

This information is available in alternative formats on request. Please contact the Customer Contact Centre on (08) 9205 8555. Telephone (08) 9205 8555 | Enquiries | Web | /citystirlingwa

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