City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028
its minimum acceptable performance target of 7, the importance of the provision of community buildings, halls and toilets was rated an 8.5, which is 1.3 points higher than the performance score of 7.2.
Figure 3.2 below represents the results of the annual customer satisfaction survey for the provision of community buildings, halls and toilets. This new survey question was introduced to the annual customer satisfaction survey in 2016/2017. Although the City reached
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Min Performance Target
Figure 3.2 Annual customer satisfaction survey – provision of community buildings, halls and toilets
basis), customer requests and reactive asset complaints to ensure that the service is still being managed to deliver to customers’ expectations. Future revisions of the Building Asset Management Plan will incorporate community consultation on service levels and costs of providing the service. This will assist the City and stakeholders in matching the level of service required, service risks and consequences with the community’s ability and willingness to pay for the service. • Improved decision making based on better understanding of the benefits and costs of alternative asset provision • Enhanced customer satisfaction • Improved long-term financial forecasting and management • Optimisation of costs • Innovative application of sustainable best practices to the City’s assets.
The City uses this information in developing the Corporate Business Plan and in allocation of resources in the budget to solve many of the issues, and close the gap between importance and performance rating by the customers. Customer expectation and perceptions change over time, particularly when major events occur which affect service delivery. The City therefore also receives feedback from community consultations (on an ‘as required’ benefits that are realised in the areas of improved accountability, sustainable service delivery, risk reduction, financial management and forecasting. Specific benefits can include: • Better alignment of community needs with services provided • Improved analysis and understanding of service level options, costs and risks 3.2 Strategic and corporate goals Asset management delivers
Buildings Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 17
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