City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028
4.2 Demand management plan Demand for new services will be managed through a combination of managing existing assets, upgrading of existing assets and providing new assets to meet demand, and demand management. Demand management practices include non-asset solutions, insuring against without the need for asset ownership and management actions, including reducing demand for the service, reducing the level of service (allowing some assets to deteriorate beyond current service levels) or educating customers to accept appropriate asset failures. 7 Examples of non-asset risks and managing failures. Non-asset solutions focus on providing the required service
solutions include providing services from existing infrastructure such as aquatic facilities and libraries that may be in another community area or public toilets provided in commercial premises. Opportunities identified to date for demand management are shown in Table 4.2. Further opportunities will be developed in future revisions of this asset management plan.
Demand driver
Impact on services
Demand management plan
DDA compliance
Improved access to services required
Upgrade existing building access over time and ensure new or upgraded buildings are compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Encourage sharing existing buildings to maximise the utilisation allows planning for optimum use of all buildings. Improve the prioritisation of building projects Ensure that the design of new buildings enables multipurpose use. Audit existing facilities to ascertain which are being used and which are being underutilised
Population growth
Increase in usage from existing services and demand for new services. Increase operational, maintenance and renewal costs
Ageing population
Provide facilities to meet changes in demand
Review strategic plans to guide future planning
Technology advancement
Changes to service delivery
Ensure best practice and new technologies are anticipated and accommodated Ensure from planning stages that design encompasses environmentally sustainable development
Sustainable buildings
Sustainable improvements to buildings
Table 4.2 Demand management plan summary
7 IPWEA, 2015, IIMM, Table 3.4.1, p 3 | 89.
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