City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

4.3 Asset programs to meet demand As the City grows, new building assets are likely to be required to meet community demands. Building portfolio growth will result from land developments and assets which may be constructed by developers and handed over to the City to manage, or they may be constructed by the City. Acquiring and developing new assets will commit the City to ongoing operational and maintenance costs for the period that the services provided from the assets are required.

These costs need to be identified and considered in developing forecasts of future operating and maintenance costs. An increasing population would typically imply greater demand from the existing property and facilities portfolio. There may however be different conclusions for the buildings described in Table 4.3.

Building category

New assets from growth

Community and recreational facilities

It is anticipated that this portfolio will remain steady, with the advancement of several developments to consolidate existing buildings at multiple locations This portfolio is income-generating and is expected to grow as per the City’s Property Strategy An increase in population in the City may see the need for additional staff and facilities to maintain services The increase in population may require reviews of existing facilities to optimise their use

City commercial

City operational

City recreational and community facilities

Public toilets and/or changerooms

This portfolio may increase due to increased demand for public amenities

Minor structures

Increased demand for shade may lead this portfolio to grow slightly

Table 4.3 New assets from growth

The new assets required to meet growth will be acquired free-of- cost from land developments and constructed/acquired. New assets constructed/acquired are discussed in Section 5.5. Acquiring new assets will commit ongoing operations, maintenance and renewal costs for the period that the service provided from the assets is required. These future costs are identified and considered in developing forecasts of future

operations, maintenance and renewal costs in Section 5.

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