City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

5.0 Lifecycle

management plan

The lifecycle management plan details how the City will manage and operate its building assets at the agreed levels of service while optimising lifecycle costs. Lifecycle management is recognised by the City as an essential component of this BAMP. This section of the BAMP provides details of the City’s data and processes required to effectively manage, maintain, renew and upgrade the City’s building assets. Figure 5.1 (right) provides a graphical representation of the asset lifecycle including each of the stages an asset passes through during its life. To undertake lifecycle asset management means considering all management options and strategies as part of the asset lifecycle, from planning to disposal. The objective of managing the assets in this manner is to look at long-term cost impacts (or savings) when making asset management decisions.

Figure 5.1 Asset lifecycle diagram


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