City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Outcome B2: Accessible and connected City Objective
What does the City aim to achieve?
How will we get there?
Connect the community through sustainable and integrated transport networks
B2.1.1 Provide and maintain safe, accessible roads, parking, cycleways and pathways B2.1.2 Advocate for improved public transport options to enhance activity and reduce reliance on vehicle use
Outcome B2: Services Service
2020/21 net service cost
Design Services
y y Road design y y Rights of Way design y y Traffic management design y y Drainage design
y y Subdivision and development control y y On-street and off-street parking design
Construction Services y y Construction
y y Roadwork traffic management
Transport Services
y y Traffic and transport planning y y Road safety y y Paths – footpaths and cycleways y y Street lighting y y Underground power y y Cycle networks y y Bus shelters
Corporate Business Plan 2020 – 2024 | 31
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