City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan

Outcome B3: Projects Robinson Reserve Master Plan Implementation – Robinson Reserve Clubroom Upgrade Upgrade of clubroom and change room buildings in line with building provision standards and to meet the needs of the clubs now and into the future 2020/2021 project cost: $100,000 Q1 Q2 Q3

2020/21 

2021/22 



Building feasibility to be finalised Concept design to commence

Concept design completed

Detailed design commences Detailed design completed Tender documentation completed


Redevelopment of Stirling Leisure Centre – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre – Inglewood Redevelopment of an aging facility to meet the current and future needs of the community 2020/2021 project cost: $3,500,000 Q1 Q2

2020/21 




Business case approved – outdoor plant and pools

Tender for design developed and procurement in progress – outdoor plant and pools

Q3 Q4

Detailed design commenced – outdoor plant and pools

Detailed design complete – outdoor plant and pools

Sub-Division Infrastructure Works: Former North Morley Pre Primary Site To progress the final stage of the former North Morley Pre-primary site subdivision which forms part of the City’s Town Planning Scheme 18 (TPS18) 2020/2021 project cost: $410,820 project funded from reserves

2020/21 




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Completion of on-site construction and utility service works

Outcome B3: Infrastructure capital programs Program


Building refurbishment program


Building services program


Energy improvement program


Citywide park asset refurbishment

$1,483,700 $1,373,200 $1,732,500

Community parklands upgrades

Irrigation program

Sports reserves infrastructure


Drainage program


Other infrastructure renewals


Corporate Business Plan 2020 – 2024 | 35

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