City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Objective: Facilitate local business and employment growth With approximately 80,000 jobs across more than 22,000 businesses supporting the local economy, the City is the second largest employment district in WA after the Perth central business district. To help our local industry grow and thrive, we will foster a business-friendly environment, encouraging competition and productivity. We will support an environment that allows our business community to flourish, embracing technology and creating job growth, so that it can propel our economy forward into the future.
2022/23 2023/24
Business Innovation Grant
A local business City
To provide grants to small businesses to stimulate entrepreneurship and employment generation
Q1 Q2 Grant program promoted and grants awarded Q3 Q4 Grant acquittal process completed
2022/23 budget allocation to the project
Strategy: How will we get there? • Support innovation and entrepreneurship in local business • Make it easier to do business with the City.
Key informing frameworks and plans • Economic and Tourism Development Strategy 2021–2025 • Local Planning Strategy.
2022/23 2023/24
Place Activation Funding
To facilitate activation and rejuvenation of local areas by sponsoring Town Teams and providing shopfront improvement grants
Q1 Place activation funding grant guidelines released Q2 Shopfront improvement grant promoted Q3 Shopfront improvement grant awarded Q4 Deliverables and outcomes communicated Acquittal of grant and sponsorship completed
Services Main Services Economic Development
2022/23 budget allocation to the project
FTE 2022/23 net service cost
Refer to page 27 for further details
2022/23 2023/24
Small-Business-Friendly Approvals
Other contributing services City Future Projects, Planning Services
To improve customer service by streamlining assessment of online development applications
Q1 Stirling Fast-Track Project – Phase 1 launched Q2 Stirling Fast-Track Project – Phase 2 commenced Q3 Q4 Identification of further improvements commenced
2022/23 budget allocation to the project
CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2022–2026 | City of Stirling
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