City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan
Informing strategies and plans: Local Planning Strategy
Informing strategies and plans: Risk Management Framework
The City’s Local Planning Strategy provides a strategic guide for the future of development within the City. It is intended to provide the strategic basis for current and future local planning schemes, as well as guide and manage future development in the City. The Local Planning Strategy is a high-level statutory document and provides a link between state and regional strategic planning policies. It is primarily implemented through the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 and its instruments.
In the process of carrying out the responsibilities of a local government in a changing environment, the City faces a broad range of risks from both external and internal sources.
Risk management is a fundamental element of sound corporate governance and is part of the City’s organisational purpose, governance, leadership and commitment. The City is committed to embedding risk management practices across the organisation to support the delivery of the City’s Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan. The City has a comprehensive and mature Risk Management Framework and is constantly monitoring all areas within the organisation to improve its risk management maturity. The Framework is aligned with the Australian/ New Zealand Standard (AS/NZ) ISO 31000 and provides the foundations and principles for managing risks across the City. Oversight of the Framework sits with the Corporate Risk Management Group, which reports to the Executive Team, the Audit Committee and Council. Effective risk management allows the City to: • Manage its risks and increase confidence in achieving its strategic and business objectives • Manage risks to an acceptable level in accordance to its established risk appetite • Make informed and robust decisions and maximise opportunities • Establish the right balance between rewards and risks in decision making • Facilitate continuous improvement in performance.
In 2021/22, the City achieved the following key priorities: • Reviewed the City’s Strategic Risk Register in line with the City’s established risk appetite • Provided an annual key risk indicators (KRIs) report to the Audit Committee and Council to benchmark the City’s current behaviour against the key risks • Implemented an improved risk reporting process to the Audit and Risk Management Committee and Council • Identified a new risk software system • Integrated risk management with existing planning and operational processes in line with the City’s business planning process • Provided risk management briefings to key staff across all services • Developed and implemented a new approach to the City’s Business Continuity Plan. The City’s Risk Management Action Plan 2021–2023 will continue to drive the City’s risk management maturity process and support the alignment of risk management to the City’s objectives and strategy.
As a requirement of the Planning and Development Act 2005, the Local Planning Strategy seeks to respond to the goals or targets identified in various state, regional and local planning documents. The objectives of the Local Planning Strategy and the Corporate Business Plan are aligned. The Local Planning Strategy objectives consider all issues facing the City, including land use planning, built form, environment and transport. They also consider how the City can best represent local community values while planning for growth. To help achieve these objectives, the Local Planning Strategy focuses on: • Planning for most population growth to occur along transport corridors and around activity centres • Making way for the development of the Stirling City Centre, to deliver Perth’s second central business district
• Zoning land appropriately to ensure the ongoing economic development of the City • Facilitating the transition from retail-focused centres to diverse mixed-use activity centres • Integrating transport and land use planning within the City • Promoting choice, sustainability, high-quality design and sense of place within the built environment • Fostering optimum use and the benefits of existing and future infrastructure • Protecting the built and cultural heritage of the City. The Local Planning Strategy map outlines strategic opportunities for current and future development. The Local Planning Strategy was supported by Council at its meeting on 18 September 2018 and endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 25 October 2019.
City of Stirling Local Planning Strategy map Note: This map should not be relied on for development
related purposes. All information should be confirmed by contacting the City of Stirling.
CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2022–2026 | City of Stirling
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