City of Stirling Handy Services Guide
Litter Littering is an offence and fines will be issued for: • Incorrectly discarding rubbish in a public place • Dumping rubbish in reserves or vacant land • Depositing domestic or commercial waste in a public bin • Allowing items to escape from an unsecured load • Posting publicity material (bill posting) in a public place or on a vehicle without the permission of the owner Residents are encouraged to report offenders to the City or to the Keep Australia Beautiful Council (WA). Registered litter reporters are able to report someone throwing litter or dumping items from a car, trailer or boat to the Keep Australia Beautiful Council. Visit to register. To assist with the follow up, where possible, vehicle registration and details of offenders should be noted, along with details of where and when the offence occurred. Keep Australia Beautiful Council can be contacted on (08) 6364 7210. Local laws and policies For information on the current local laws and policies in the City, including parking laws and infringements, please visit the City’s website. • Abandoning shopping trolleys • Careless cigarette butt disposal. 49
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