City of Stirling Parks and Open Space Asset Managment Plan
Establishing the context • Define the external context • Define the internal context • Define the risk management context • Develop risk criteria
Risk assessment
Risk identification • What can happen (e.g the event) • How it can happen (the causes) • What are the consequences • Are there any other controls
Risk analysis • Consider the effectiveness of current controls • Determine the consequence level • Determine the likelihood level • Determine the risk level
Monitor and review
Communication and consultation
Risk evaluation • Compare risk level against criteria to determine if further treatment is required
Risk treatment • Identify treatment options • Evaluate treatment options • Select treatment options • Develop risk criteria
Figure 6.2 Risk management process
9 ISO 31000:2009, p 2 10 City of Stirling Risk Management Framework
Parks Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 45
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