City of Stirling Transport Asset Managment Plan

Action plans for immediate high-risk situations with respect to transport assets is initially assessed or undertaken by the operations staff or the after-hours response team. Given the outcomes of an internal review with respect to the City’s transport maintenance services, the standards of maintenance detailed in this TAMP are considered reasonable and meet community expectations in the context of responsible and reasonable asset management.

The City is in the process of documenting its transport assets service targets, including: • The schedule of inspections to be undertaken • Tasks or work expected to be undertaken, eg, patching potholes • The conditions under which intervention action is to be taken with respect to repair or maintenance needs for defects reported or recorded during inspections • The priority given to the asset • Assessment of resources required to deliver the specified maintenance service. undertaken. The consultations with the community identified the importance of considering sustainability in our decision making. In terms of asset management, this translates to the following key principles: • Making informed decisions with a long-term view – aiming to balance current community needs and expectations with the future needs of our community • Integrating social, economic and environmental criteria in the management and assessment of our assets – aiming for a more holistic, systems-based approach. The City is in the process of determining community expectations in relation to each service criterion. The consultation will be based on a range of service level options and the associated cost of each option. 3.4 Desired levels of service In preparation of the City’s Strategic Community Plan, extensive community consultation was

The process will involve: • Setting minimum levels of

service, based on the minimum technical, environmental and legal requirements applicable to the service • Setting maximum levels of service, based on best practice and taking into account the condition and capability of the assets to deliver the service • Developing a range of service levels between the maximum and minimum levels selected • Calculating the cost of each option (ie, the average cost per rate payer). The above process will enable the City to set desired levels of service from assets based on long-term affordability.

Transport Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 25

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