City of Stirling Budget Newsletter

1. This is your payment reference.You should quote this number when you contact the council about your account or when you make a payment. 2. This is the individual number allocated to the property that this notice is related to. 3. This is the street address of the property that this notice is related to. 4. The Valuer General’s Office (VGO) estimates how much you could expect to receive if you were to rent out your property. This is known as the Gross Rental Value or GRV. If you object to this value please phone the VGO on (08) 9273 7373. 5. The period this notice covers. 6. This is the date the bill was produced. 7. The amount you have to pay and the due date if you choose to pay your rates in full. 8. The amount you have to pay and the due date if you choose to pay your rates in two instalments. The total amount payable is higher than payment options 1 and 2 as interest is charged for selecting to pay in two instalments. 9. The amount you have to pay and the due date if you choose to pay your rates in four instalments. The total amount payable is higher than with payment option 3 as more interest is charged for selecting to pay in four instalments. 10. This is the State Government Emergency Services Levy. This forms part of your total rates bill but it is not set or controlled by the City of Stirling. Please see the separate brochure produced by the state government for more information about this charge. 11. Depending on your property, you may be charged for the weekly collection of your recycling/rubbish bin, a pool inspection fee, a security charge, and residential and other rates. 12. States whether your property is subject to a pensioner/ senior discount. 13. Your tip passes and a free swim pass to either Stirling Leisure Centres Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Inglewood, Leisurepark Balga or Scarborough Beach Pool.

Your rates explained

Rate Notice 25 Cedric Street StirlingWA 6021 Telephone Payment Line 1300 661 144 Rates Enquiries (08) 9205 8555

Due Payment Reference No: 1234 5678 98


ABN: 26 744 398 382




Lot 600 Omnis exeriost eumetur ad que nimagvidem



Lot 600 Omnis exeriost eumetur ad que

Valuation -GRV 5333,000



1/7/2015 - 30/6/2016

Name Street Suburb

Date Issued


5 6 7 8







Rates and Charges Due (GST isnot included in thesecharges) Item Charge

Payment Options Option Due

Arrears Amount Due


Arrears Outstanding

Option 1 $1,112,323,323.81 ToenterPrizeDraw,payby3.00pmWSTon22/08/2014 Option 2 22/8/2014 $2,323.81 Option 3 Instalment 1 22/8/2014 $1,730.51 Instalment 2 7/11/2014 $600.00 (cost ofoption, including interest, is$6.70) Total $2,330.51 Option 4 Instalment 1 22/8/2014 $1,730.51 Instalment 2 7/11/2014 $303.00 Instalment3 9/1/2015 $303.00 Instalment4 13/3/2015 $303.00 (costofoption, including interest, is$6.70) Total $2,330.51 Toqualify for instalments, the ExactAmount shownas Instalment1on yourRateNoticemustbe received in onepaymentby 29August2018. 22/18/2014 Warning –Penalty interestwill be chargedon overdue amounts.Rates,waste, securityandpool inspection charges ata rate of 9per cent.EmergencyServicesLevy at a rate of11 per centasdirectedbyDepartmentofFire and EmergencyServices. Transactions recordedafter arenot included in the table on the left.

$1,131,131,131.51 $1,131,131,131.51

StandardWaste CollectionService



WeeklyCollectionCharge WasteCollection Service UpgradedBin WasteCollection Service AdditionalBin SwimmingPool InspectionFee Emergency Services LevyCat 1Residential Residential& OtherRates











SeeenclosedNewsletter for information SecurityService Charge 1@$35.00


Emergency Services


LevyCat1PenaltyCharge Penalty Interest




Rates&Charges Paid inAdvance StateGovernment Rebate


Wouldyou like to receiveyour future ratesmailviaemail? Registernow foreRatesat



This is yourPensioner/SeniorsDiscount Total



See over for information

Valid1August2019 to31July2020 for further information

Fridge Pass Valid1August2019 to31July2020 for further information for further information

tiles & concrete pass Valid1August2019 to31July2020 for further information

waste pass Valid1August2019 to31July2020 for further information

Clean green waste pass Valid1August2019 to31July2020

Mattress pass

Clean sand, bricks, roof

Household mixed

Payment Methods

Payment Reference Number

Telephone Use theCity’sTelephonePayment Line 1300661 144 tomake a credit card payment (VisaandMasterCardonly, limit of$100,000).



BPAY No: 5231 Call your financial institutionor visit theirwebsite tomake apayment from yournominatedbank account. BillerCode:5231 PaymentReferenceNumber:

Access theCity ofStirling’swebsite and click ‘Online payment facility’.Acceptable cards:MasterCard or Visa.Credit card transaction limitof $100,000.


By Post

In person

Paymentcanbemadebycash,cheque,EFTPOS (different limitsapplyper transaction)orcreditcard (VisaandMasterCardonly, limitof$100,000). Complete the remittanceslipon thebackof this noticeandpayat: CityofStirlingAdministrationCentre 8.30am to5.00pm,Monday toFriday. AllStirlingLibraries (EFTPOSpaymentsonly) 9.00am to4.30pm,Monday toFriday. for locations.

Payment can bemade by presenting thisRate Notice intact at anyAustraliaPostOffice.Please note thatAustraliaPostwill not accept credit card payments. Cash,chequeordebit cardonly.

Topaybypost, complete thePaymentbyPostor inPerson remittance slipon thebackof thisRate Noticeandpostwith your cheque to: POBox1533 OsborneParkWA6916 Chequesmadepayable to theCityofStirling.

TelephonePaymentLine 1300 661144 | RatesEnquiries (08)92058555

How your rates are calculated Rates are calculated on the Gross Rental Value (GRV) for residential, commercial, industrial and other developed properties. The GRV is the estimated yearly rental value of your property and is worked out on the basis that the rental includes outgoings such as rates and other property expenses. These GRVs are provided to the City by Valuer General’s Office. The average residential GRV is $21,944. Which equals to a rental amount of $422 per week ($422 x 52 = $21,944). The City then sets a rate in the dollar, which means your rates are calculated as a percentage of the assessed value

of your property. The 2019/20 rate in the dollar has been set at 5.0117 cents, an increase of 0.9%. Using the GRV from the previous example, the rates calculation would be 21,944 x 0.050117 = $1,099.77. The City also has a minimum rate payment of $853, an increase of 0.9% (rounded to the nearest dollar). Please direct any questions or queries specifically regarding your GRV to Landgate. Property owners do have the right to appeal their GRV with or call (08) 9273 7373. What is the percentage change in the charges for 2019/20 Emergency Services Levy – State Governement charge not controlled by the City




No change

Pool inspection

No change

Security Service

the Valuer General’s office (witin 60 days issue of the rate notice). Contact details for Landgate are


Standard waste service


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