City of Stirling Buildings Asset Managment Plan 2018 - 2028

5.1.2 Asset capacity and performance Building assets tend to have long useful lives, up to 100 years for some. However, allowances for replacement due to deficiencies in capacity and performance must be made in any program. Asset capacity and performance are derived through an evaluation of service requirements and demands. This is determined using data relating to client usage as well as their feedback on the assets being provided. Data collection for building performance, running costs, energy efficiency, function, risk and accessibility are captured to inform this process. Capacity reviews are performed iteratively and deficiencies or surplus of capacity are determined through collaboration with clients. condition audits every four years. The City visually assesses each building component on a 1 to 5 rating scale using the methodology documented in the City of Stirling Buildings Condition Manual. The City’s building components consist of the following: • Roof • Superstructure • Substructure 5.1.3 Asset condition The City conducts building

This allows for the performance trends to be evaluated and action plans developed which best serve the needs of clients and user groups. The community’s perception of the capacity and performance of buildings is monitored through the City’s annual customer surveys, and via complaints and recommendations made to the City in writing, through our webpage or in person. These are recorded in the City’s data management system. The City’s buildings are generally provided to meet service requirements where these are available. Locations where deficiencies in service performance are known have been recorded and included into capital works programs.

• Internal fittings • Electrical services • Mechanical services • Hydraulic services • Fire services.

An overall condition rating of 1 to 5 is calculated using the building condition audit data. The below building condition rating Table 5.1, provides the definitions of each condition state from a condition 1 to a condition 5.

Condition Rating Condition Description 1 Very Good

‘As new’, or significantly higher quality than that required for the relevant asset category. Only planned maintenance required Above the level of quality required for the relevant asset category. Minor maintenance required plus planned maintenance Acceptable quality for the relevant asset category. Significant maintenance required Minimum level of quality for the relevant asset category. Significant renewal/rehabilitation required Significantly lower quality than required for the relevant asset category. Physically unsound and/or beyond rehabilitation

2 Good

3 Fair

4 Poor

5 Very Poor

Table 5.1 Building condition rating

Buildings Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2028 | 35

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